Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Starting Tomorrow: When Genesis and Culture Collide

I've decided recently to start blogging every day. Time often gets away from me, and I have a lot on my plate currently (I'm in grad school, so I think that's enough said), so I'll be careful as to how much time I spend on these per day.

Recently I decided to pick a book of the Bible and work through a verse or so a day, offering my own take on each chunk of text (and asking for your perspective on each text as well).

I'll conclude each post with 2 or 3 questions to provoke a discussion, just to get the input of readers.

I think this would be a fun way to engage the biblical text together. I'll include the original languages, but don't feel like you have to know the languages too in order to contribute.

I think every voice is valuable, and I want to hear what you think about any given text we talk about.

Tomorrow, we start with Genesis 1:1. In the meantime, think about how this text collides with culture then and today, in light of the title of this blog.

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